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 1. Listening. Послухайте пісню Healthy and junk food та запишіть слова (корисна та шкідлива їжа) в 2 колонки.

2. Reading. Прочитайте текст та виконайте тести.


1) Your natural wisdom about whole foods is a lot more reliable than you think. If you lose sight of the big picture and choose foods by their calorie and fat content, your judgment about what’s good for you and what isn’t gets less clear. Fat-free snacks and treats start to look just as good for you as apples or carrot sticks. Diet soda seems like a much better ‘deal’ than low-fat milk.

2) Fact is, a low-fat food can look great on paper but is not positive to your diet. And some foods you have avoided because of their high fat content (for example, cheese, avocado, peanut butter) can be good and nutritious. It is better to eat six or more servings of grains a day (bread, cereal, rice, pasta), two or more servings of fruit, at least three of vegetables, two or three servings of milk products and two of protein-rich meat, fish, eggs or dried beans. Always choose foods you like. Do that, and the grams and milligrams will take care of themselves.

3) If you think that eating healthy means trying to consume a little less than you’d like to, ask yourself how well that really works. Eating less than you want is uncomfortable, and as anyone who has ever dieted knows, you can’t under eat without overeating. It is better not to stop your appetite. You’ll find that you enjoy your meals more, that you spend less time thinking about food between meals. And, as a result, you will not gain weight.

4) Life is too short to change wonderful foods for alternatives that don’t offer the same satisfaction. Of course, you’ll find there are some light foods you can eat instead of the real thing and still feel happily satisfied. But think twice about a food you choose simply because it’s fat-free or low cal. If you don’t really like it or if it’s not what you want, it’s not worth it.

5) You may think cutting out certain foods is the fastest way to a healthy diet. It’s not. To improve your diet in a meaningful way, it’s better to concentrate on the foods you need to eat. According to a recent survey, most people need to eat twice as much fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and eat an extra serving or two of grains each day. If you’re looking for ways to make your diet healthier, that’s where to start. (The next step: Cut down a bit on sweet and added fats — butter, oil, salad dressing — and you’ll be doing very well indeed.) besides good nutrition, variety means more pleasure in every bite. If you have a little of everything it satisfies your desire to crunch into a juicy apple, to enjoy a perfectly ripe peach and the cool pleasure of half-melting ice cream.

3.Vocabulary practice. (Вправи на повторення та закріплення лексики). Виконайте завдання презентації.

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