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 1.Listening. Подивіться відеоролик French traditional dishes та напишіть 10 найбільш популярних французьких страв.

2. Reading. Прочитайте діалог та визначте, які твердження є вірними (T), а які – невірними (F).

— What are you doing, Paul?

— I am making some sandwiches for breakfast. 

— Have you emptied the waste bin already?

— Mum, I thought Dad did it yesterday.

— Paul, have you forgotten that it's your duty?

— OK, I’ll do it now. Mum, have you washed my green T-shirt?

— Sorry, Paul, I haven't done the laundry yet. I'm busy with sweeping the floor. But I am going to do the laundry in the afternoon.

— Mum, will we visit Granny today?

— Of course, we will. Paul, dear, will you go shopping with me? I promised to buy some food for Granny.

— OK, Mum. What shall I buy?

— We need some milk and butter and I think we should buy some biscuits and some fruit for Granny. You know, she loves oranges and grapes.

— Can I buy any sweets for me, please?

— Well, I don't mind. But, dear, hurry up. We can't miss the bus.

    1. Paul is busy with preparing breakfast. ______________

    2. Dad doesn't have to empty the waste in.___________

    3. Mother is busy with laundry now.___________

    4. Mother and Paul are going to visit Paul's Granny tomorrow.___________

    5. Mother is going to buy some milk for Granny,__________

    6. Granny likes fruit, ________

    7. Mother and Paul will go to Granny's by bus, ________

    8. Mother promised to buy some ice cream for Paul. _________

3.Vocabulary practice. (Вправи на повторення та закріплення лексики). Виконайте завдання презентації.

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